Safety is a core valure for Geoquest
Organization, equipment, processes, and techniques: it is integrated at all levels of our companies. Our collective and individual commitment is based on strict health and safety rules, but also on a strong safety culture shared by all Geoquest teams.
In terms of safety, Geoquest has one objective: to achieve zero major accidents for our employees and our service providers, whether in our offices, on our sites, in our plants or on the road.
This is why safety is at the heart of our projects, from the call for tenders to the execution of the site, including the design of our technical processes. When we act as technical assistance, we strive to provide our customers with all the best operational methods to carry out the installation without any improvisation.
Thanks to our safety culture developed over the years, safety is integrated in all operations and in the daily behavior of Geoquest teams.
Some of our actions in the field
- TRAINING AND AWARENESS – Keeping on strengthening the safety culture within the Geoquest Group is key. We encourage our employees to integrate safety at every stage of our projects and within our plants. We painstakingly raise awareness and train our workforce so that they are proactively in accident prevention and safety.
- MANAGERIAL COMMITMENT AND LEADERSHIP – Managers at all levels are closely involved in safety. They set an example, ensure effective implementation of safety measures, notably by regularly visiting the worksite, and pay close attention to feedback from the teams in the field. Sharing our successes and best practices is fundamental at Geoquest.
- REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF ALL ACCIDENTS AND NEARMISSES – Our safety culture is nurtured by the systematic in depth review of all kinds of incidents, especially those with a high potential for gravity. Sharing the root causes and corrective action plan helps avoid recurrence and improve safety. A debriefing is systematically planned with the company’s senior management and shared among the group’s entities for learning.
Geoquest: Innovation and Engineering Expertise
Sixty years after it was invented, the Geoquest® technology is used on five continents and is an example of the benefits that can be reaped by authentic innovations.
Geoquest continues to keep Henri Vidal‘s pioneering legacy alive by adopting an active research and development policy and investing considerable resources.
We strive to continually improve the service we provide to our customers by offering solutions that are:
- better performing
- more reliable
- more economical
- environmentally sustainable
Both materials and processes are constantly reviewed and benefit from our sharing of global expertise, which is part of our business model and recipe for success.

A dedicated Research Development and Innovation Department is at the heart of this endeavour, supporting our companies world-wide in their special projects.
Since its invention, the Reinforced Earth® technology has been enhanced by a number of technological breakthroughs, and other systems, such as TechSpan®, TechWallTM and TerraLinkTM, have been added to our repertoire.
One of the keys to continuing growth lies in this and further diversification, always with the goal of providing better, and more sustainable solutions to our customers.
Engineering represents a mission-critical activity at Geoquest to tailor our solutions to project-specific constraints. An Engineering Department with a global network of experts is at the service of all our business units to help our dedicated teams deliver a highly specific response to our customers’ requirements worldwide.
In addition, Geoquest offers its services throughout the lifetime of structures to help preserve them, adapt to new demands, or re-perform calculations to meet new regulatory requirements.
Geoquest’s attention to safety is an integral part of our customer service. As specialist designer of technical systems always intent on improving quality at all stages of projects, Geoquest encourages best construction practices by issuing technical recommendations and procedures.
Client care
Business Ethics
In all our operations around the world, we are driven by the same commitment of leading by example in the relationships we have with all our stakeholders.
Whether in terms of business ethics or human rights, we require all our team members to comply fully with all applicable regulations, which are further reinforced by the commitments contained in our Group Ethics and Behaviour Charter, Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct and Manifesto.
The success, development and individual and collective long-term future of our companies depends on strict compliance with shared good practices and commitments that are binding on all of us with no exception.