Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.



ArmaLynk® PET HS reinforcement, now certified by EPD Hub for an Environmental Product Declaration

2024-04-30T17:46:33+00:00January 9th, 2024|Company, Geoquest, Group News, News, TA|

In December 2023, EPD Hub approved the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of our ArmaLynk® PET HS reinforcement, manufactured by our subsidiary Geoquest India. This document gathers information on the environmental impact of a product according to international standards. The certification covers the whole life cycle analysis for the product [...]

Geoquest announces the acquisition of Synthetex

2024-09-10T20:52:44+00:00September 20th, 2023|Company, Geoquest, Group News, News, TA|

Geoquest announces the acquisition of the American company Synthetex, based in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). With nearly 7 million square meters installed worldwide, Synthetex combines recognized expertise and production capacity in erosion and scour protection solutions, such as river, ports quays and coastal protection, pipeline protection using Hydrotex®, a geosynthetic [...]

GeoStrap® reinforcements, now certified by RTS for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

2024-09-10T21:03:41+00:00November 23rd, 2021|Company, Geoquest, Group News, News, TA|

In October 2021, the Building Information Foundation RTS approved the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of our GeoStrap® reinforcement, manufactured by our subsidiary Geoquest India. This document gathers information on the environmental impact of a product according to international standards. The certification covers the whole life cycle analysis for the [...]

World-record bund test confirms Geoquest’s capacity to innovate, leadership in soil-structure interaction

2020-06-29T16:13:30+00:00June 29th, 2020|Company, Geoquest, News, Protective Barriers, TA|

Reinforced Earth® rockfall bund withstands impact of 5000 KJ Three years of research subjected to a few seconds of truth The excitement was palpable at the Montagnole rockfall test site near Lyon, France on June 16. Three years of collaborative research combining the expertise of Geoquest and [...]

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