Geoquest offers engineered solutions for rockfall protection using barriers.

Various types of debris flow, particularly rockfall, avalanche, landslides and flood debris are all common natural hazards. When these events occur at locations where no passive control measures have been taken, the damage can be catastrophic and become dangerously disruptive to transportation activity, industrial operations and housing centers.

While Geoquest is renowned not only for reinforcing and stabilizing inhabitable earth formations, our expert staff also have expertise in delivering solutions that control, mitigate and protect against rockfall and debris flow through the use of engineered barriers and nets.

Reinforced Earth® MSE barrier bunds

These robust yet narrowly placed back-to-back MSE barriers are capable of withstanding extraordinary, record-breaking impact loads and debris volume assault while remaining intact while deflecting, separating and diverting high-impact debris flows.

These structures are easily installed, reparable from impact, and are easily enlarged or strengthened as needed. MSE barriers are constructed using a decisive choice of facing materials, soil reinforcements and backfill material. Facing materials may consist of precast concrete panels, wire mesh facing, or metallic panels. Soil reinforcements may consist of either geosynthetic strips or grids, or metallic soil strips. The requirements for backfill types used to construct MSE barriers is also flexible depending on site-specific conditions and service life requirements.



Historical expertise

Our established expertise lies squarely in the area of designing and supplying materials to build protective earthen structures of all types in all sectors.

Full scope for assuredness

Terre Armee project teams are equipped with engineering and operations staff that utilize state-of-the art tools and resources necessary to develop a solution specific to your project requirements.

Global design approach

For all projects, we deliver highly developed solutions that require strict coordination between our civil, geotechnical and structural engineers alongside our material specialists and logistics coordinators.

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