Coastal erosion is a highly sensitive contemporary environmental issue.

Geoquest technology has been used for over 50 years to build marine structures on coastlines. The design and selection of construction materials used in marine environments must address the risks inherent in this special environment.

Reinforced Earth® solutions are naturally suited for coastal works such as breakwaters, channels, slipways, seawalls and more due its primary characteristics, particularly resilience to dynamic loads. Our industrially-manufactured geosynthetics, and in some cases steel soil reinforcements enable refined structural geometrics and cross-sections by integrating custom curated components. Reinforced Earth® structures incorporate quality backfill materials which guarantee sufficient drainage, specifically for structures that are prone to high-amplitude tides or storm surges.  

The combined forces of water and water borne debris require special attention when designing structures in coastal areas. TerraDyke™ is a custom-made, state-of-the-art technique developed as a protective structure for coastal and marine works.TerraDyke™ structures are used as core for breakwaters, groynes and spurs. Geotextile tubes are a part of this technology in which hydraulic fill or dredged spoil is pumped into these structures often to replace the armors as cores. TerraDyke™ structure aprons and anti-scour structures are efficient in protection from underwater currents and wash-outs. 

TechRevetment™ is a corrosion-free, formed concrete mattress erosion control solution designed to replace conventional rip-raps or wet stone pitching. This system is often used on slopes to construct boulder or soil in-filled semi-rigid crates and large bags to prevent waterfront induced erosion. The integral behavior and monolithic containment of the structure provides an efficient erosion control tool for protection against flash floods, moderate wave attacks and run-ups.  


Structural flexibility

Inherant characterisitcs of Reinforced Earth® allow to build structures on moderately compact or heterogeneous foundation soils.

Designed to resist

Our  Reinforced Earth® structures are designed to resist the combined forces of water and waterborne debris. Built to withstand strong currents, storms, and waves, which can be highly destructive to other types of structures, Reinforced Earth® is a safe choice.

Rapid construction

The use of precast components allows for faster construction and better control than conventional cast-in-place solutions.

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