Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.



Transmission Gully Project

2021-02-05T11:10:09+00:00December 12th, 2019|New Zealand, Project|

TechSpan arches and Geoquest walls for New Zealand road project When completed, in May 2020, the Transmission Gully Project (TGP) will provide a new, 27 km long, four-lane motorway north of Wellington, New Zealand. This modern and safe main highway will bypass the coastal communities and space-limited choke [...]

New Zealand

2022-08-08T08:43:35+00:00November 27th, 2019|Asia, Implantations, New Zealand|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Geoquest New Zealand [...]


2023-10-06T07:59:48+00:00November 27th, 2019|Asia, Australia, Implantations|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Geoquest Australia Ricardo [...]

Australia: Geoquest takes part in the massive NorthLink WA project

2020-01-10T18:45:25+00:00March 21st, 2018|Australia, Project|

In Perth, Geoquest Australia designs and supplies 31,000 m² of TerraTilt® and TerraPlus® facing as part of the NorthLink West Australia road project. In 2016, the city of Perth embarked on highway construction works intended to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. This large-scale project entitled NorthLink WA will provide the [...]

AUSTRALIA – Regional Rail Link, West Werribee Junction

2020-01-10T19:00:03+00:00December 11th, 2012|Australia, Project|

The Regional Rail Link Project, located in the Victoria state, has been inaugurated this year. For this significant project, RECO Australia provided several Reinforced Earth® structures. On the West Werribee Junction section, Geoquest Australia was required to design and supply two Reinforced Earth® retaining walls and six flyover walls for a total surface of 5,517 m². [...]

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