BPB GMBH Bauplanungsbüro – Volkmar Brüggemann (On behalf of Geoquest S.A.S)
Marko Brüggemann
Adlerstraße 2, 17192 Waren (Müritz)
Tel: +49 (151) 590 353 29
Geoquest S.A.S
Alain Tigoulet
280 Avenue Napoleon Bonaparte 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France
Tel: +33 1 47 76 81 10
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Related projects
Retaining walls
Terre Armee began designing retaining walls more than 50 years ago, gaining strong knowledge and know-how with projects delivered in every corner of the world.
Reinforced Earth® with precast concrete panels
Reinforced Earth® MSE retaining walls are being built in every sector, including transportation, industry, residential and military.
Geoquest engineers have pioneered an innovative solution for linking existing earthen structures to add to, or rehabilitate infrastructure.
Terre Armee companies design and supply precast concrete counterfort wall solutions, simple to build in narrow cut applications.
Reinforced soil slopes
Download As the world leader and inventor of Reinforced Earth® MSE wall technology, Geoquest applies the same level of professionalism and engineering care for reinforced steep slopes as [...]
Bridge abutments
Building bridge abutments with Reinforced Earth®, T-Wall® and TechWall™ pre-engineered and prefabricated retaining wall solutions.
Terre Armee offers engineered solutions for tunnels and underground structure applications.
Quays and jetties
Geoquest offers a wide range of engineered solutions for the development of quays, jetties and other hydraulic infrastructure.
Dams and Dykes
Dam crests, reservoirs, training walls, and conveyance tunnels built using precast concrete and metallic solutions supplied by Terre Armee.
Oil and Gas
Geoquest companies offer a wide range of engineered solutions for your Oil & Gas operations and protecting your assets.
Terre Armee‘s technology offers various applications and engineered solutions for industrial assets including protective structures for risk mitigation.
Housing and Residential
Terre Armee companies design and supply materials for residential development and functional landscapes for housing.
Ammunition and explosives storage magazines and blast shielding using MSE walls and precast arches are types of military structures supplied by Terre Armee.
Ports and Harbors
Geoquest draws on decades of experience designing MSE walls, prefabricated structures and earth reinforcement to build infrastructure for ports and harbors.
Geoquest, T-Wall, TechWall, TechSpan, and TechBox are used widely to construct earth-retained embankments supporting railway overpasses and underpasses.
Rivers and Waterways
Geoquest designs and furnishes materials for building river and waterway structures such as bulkheads, marinas, loading docks, bridges, canals and channels.
Sports and leisure
Stadium spectator and participant facilities constructed with all types of pre-fabricated components supplied by Terre Armee companies.
Geoquest Retaining Walls for High-Speed Rail Line
High-Speed Rail Line Tours Bordeaux: A World First in the Rail Sector and a Significant Milestone for Reinforced Earth® Walls [...]
Reinforced Earth® Walls for Highway 407 East Phase 2
Reinforced Earth® Walls for Highway 407 East Phase 2 The Government-owned Highway 407 East (407E) P2 project is an extension of [...]
Reinforced Earth® Retaining Walls for Cinta Costera Seafront
Geoquest Peru Provides Cost- and Time-Saving TechWall® Retaining Wall Solution for Busy Motorway into Arequipa In 2016, the Vargas State authorities launched a major project to [...]
Approach Road, True Abutment for Mactan-Cebu Airport
Design, material supply, on-site casting, and construction of Reinforced Earth® wall structures for Philippines’ Cebu Airport Geoquest [...]
The TechSpan® precast concrete arch solution for bridges, tunnels, munitions igloos, and pedestrian and animal crossings.
Roads and motorways
Geoquest offers a wide range of solutions that have proven to be the perfect fit for your next Roadway or Motorway infrastructure development.
TechWall™ Retaining Walls for Pedestrian Crossing
TechWall™ Retaining Walls for Pedestrian Crossing Puisoz-Grand Parilly is a new residential, commercial, and business district in one of the [...]
Reinforced Earth® Walls for Las Tórtolas Tailings Dam
Reinforced Earth® Retaining Walls for Raised Tailings Dam Wall at Los Bronces Copper Mine, Chile In October 2007 Anglo American [...]
TechSpan® and Reinforced Earth® for complex road project
Geoquest Ltd New Zealand Provides Reinforced Earth® Wall and Eleven Bridge Abutments, TechSpan® Arch with Seismic Design When completed, in [...]
Reinforced Earth® Access Ramps for Dakar Express Railway
Geoquest France provides design and supply of 12 Reinforced Earth® access ramps to Dakar Regional Express Railway project [...]
TechWall™ Retaining Walls for Uchumayo Motorway
Geoquest Peru Provides Cost- and Time-Saving TechWallTM Retaining Wall Solution for Busy Motorway into Arequipa Consisting of a two-lane low-level [...]
Mining and Minerals
Terre Armee designs and furnishes the materials for mining operations structures using MSE Walls, precast arches and high-performance geosynthetic solutions.
Moroccan Power Station receives upgrade
Reinforced Earth® Walls for Jorf Lasfar Power Station In Morocco, the Jorf Lasfar thermal power station features high-performing installations. Guaranteeing [...]
Chaffey Dam, Australia: Reinforced Earth® for Vital Upgrade
Chaffey Dam, Australia: Reinforced Earth® Walls to Double Capacity, Increase Safety Standards Chaffey Dam is [...]
Reinforced Earth® Walls for Ramps and Abutments at Clark Airport
Clark Airport Philippines: Design, Supply, and Construction of Reinforced Earth® Walls and Access Ramps for new Terminal The Clark [...]
Geoquest draws on decades of experience designing MSE walls, prefabricated structures and earth reinforcement for the construction of coastal infrastructure.
Water management
Water management structures and flow control networks built with Geoquest's solutions are dominant choices for planners and builders.
Commercial and logistics
Terre Armee companies develop solutions and furnish building materials for transportation, housing, business, and facilities.
Functional facilities
Geoquest companies develop solutions and furnish building materials for transportation, housing, business, and facilities.
Geoquest offers a wide range of engineered solutions adapted to your Energy production sites and protecting your assets.
Waste management
Geoquest structures for delivery, dumping, transferring, destroying, recycling, ponding, and landfilling of waste deposits.
Hydraulic infrastructure
Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the development of Hydraulic Infrastructure projects.
Transport infrastructure
Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the development of Transport Infrastructure projects.
Urban development
Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the development of Urban Infrastructure projects.
Resources and industry
Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the development of Infrastructure related to the extraction of natural resources and industrial projects.
Erosion protection
Terre Armee provides protective engineered solutions for erosion control and scour protection.
Avalanche protection
Terre Armee and subsidiaries have invested decades of engineering R&D toward the use of MSE walls for avalanche risk mitigation.
Coastal protection and restoration
Terre Armee and subsidiaries have invested decades of engineering toward the development of solutions for coastal protection and restoration.
Flood protection
Reinforced Earth® and geosynthetic solutions to protect flood-prone zones underground and above the ground.
Rockfall protection
World-record performance of narrow reinforced soil bunds proves Geoquest companies lead in R&D for defensive rock fall protection.
Natural risks mitigation
Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the mitigation of natural risks.
Protection of marine structures and pipelines
Terre Armee has invested decades of engineering toward the development of solutions for the protection of marine structures and pipelines.